
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our lives have turned up side down

Lives of many expatriates have turned upside down due to the unset. The death of a Pakistani, and the injured Bangladeshi guys have frightened the whole expat community. The story behind the attacks against Pakistanis and Bangladeshis is because the Sunni Muslims from those countries have obtained Bahrain nationality for past years. I think the government has taken this step to increase the Sunni community in the country which ultimately made the Shia majority to stand against this procedure.

We have been asked not to go to office or anywhere out of the house these days. The situation is not that bad but still it is better to avoid any unnecessary incidents. GCC Army has arrived the country to help the government to calm down the situation which has made huge arguments in the whole world again. However, we are stuck at home for the send day as well.

We bought some food items, telephone cards, water and few other things to use in case if an emergency occurs. So far the situation is all right but the roads are still empty. Shops and restaurants close earlier than the regular time and people buy things in bulk and store at house. The lives has somehow or the other turned upside down for us.

Here are few text messages I got yesterday. Don’t know how far they are accurate.

“From ministry of interior source: Troops from the GCC’s Peninsula shield military force have arrived in Bahrain to help maintain order and security in the Kingdom. Public are advised to refrain from being out and to always bring CPR for identity”

“Protestors are given a warning & a deadline to evacuate pearl roundabout. Emergency is declared. Army will spread out in every city. Martial law is introduced.”

“Stay at home, keep important food, water, bread, candles, torch, charge the mobiles and listen to the radio” 

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