
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Though I changed my Facebook profile picture to support FUTA, I believe that changing pictures won't change the system but changing minds would do. 
Its funny how some people support this cause while having other political motives. I don’t think that they really want to support the education system of this country other than achieving their benefits. FUTA stands for a worthy cause and I hope their actions will open eyes of people who truly want to support for a better education system of this country. 

This is not a fight which can be won over night. Even if it could win, will it make a huge difference in a short time? I don't think so. FUTA demands the government to clearly state the policy on statefunded education. This is the key for a better future if it works properly. We need to have a proper mechanism to influence the younger generation of this country to change in a positive way. Change in a way that they will not do the same mistakes which we have done. 

Can the government education system help to do that? Yes. 

Will any government try to do this? I don’t think so.

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